HSL Bibliography

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Conference Paper
Domingues, A. R., S. P. Marreiros, J. M. Martins, M. T. Silva, and D. J. Newman, "Analysis of ankle skin deformation for the development of soft orthotics", ESB 2012: 18th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, Lisbon, Portugal, July 2012.
Clark, T.K., S Y O D. A. J. L. R., "Analysis of Human Spatial Perception during Lunar Landing", IEEE AC Paper #1183, Big Sky, MT, IEEEAC, pp. 1-13, 2/2010.
Clark, T., A. Stimpson, L. R. Young, and C. M. Oman, "Analysis of Human Spatial Perception During Lunar Landing (abstract)", 2010 IEEE Aerospace Conference AIAA, Technical Co-Sponsor, Big Sky, MT, March 6-13, 2010, 2009.
Stirling, L., A. Arsie, E. Frazzoli, K. Wilcox, and D. Newman, "Application of Quantized Control to Self-Rotation Maneuvers in Microgravity", IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, New Orleans, LA, Dec. 2007.
Bethke, K., and D. Newman, "Applying K-8 science and technology curricula to engineering education: What can be learned from the Educator Resouce Center at the Museum of Science, Boston", ASEE , Chicago, IL, June 2006.
Young, L. R., "Artificial Gravity - an integrative solution for long duration space flights, Keynote Lecture", 2nd Symposium of the Zurich Center for Integrative Human Physiology (ZIHP), Zurich, Switzerland, September 22, 20, 2006.
Young, L.. R., "Artificial Gravity - an integrative solution for long duration space flights, Keynote Lecture", 2nd Symposium of the Zurich Center for Integrative Human Physiology (ZIHP), Zurich, Switzerland, September 22, 2006.
Elias, P.Z.., T. Jarchow, and L.. R. Young, "Artificial gravity: Incremental Adaptation to Yaw Head turns During 30 RPM Rotation (poster)", HST Forum Student Poster Session, Walker Memorial, Building 50, MIT, March 26, 2006.
Elias, P. Z., T. Jarchow, and L. R. Young, "Artificial gravity: Incremental Adaptation to Yaw Head turns During 30 RPM Rotation (poster)", HST Forum Student Poster Session, Walker Memorial, Building 50, MIT, March 26, 2006.
Young, L. R., "Artificial gravity: Is Short Radius Centrifugation the Universal Countermeasure for Long Space Missions?", ELGRA Biennial Symposium and General Assembly "In the Footsteps of Columbus", vol. 26, Bonn, Germany, ELGRA News, September 1-4, 2, 2010.
van Iwase, S., S N P Y L W C R G L. J. N. W., "Artificial Gravity with Ergometric Exercise on International Space Station as the Countermeasure for Space Deconditioning in Humans", ESA Space Life Sciences Symposium , Trieste, June 2010.
Frazer, A., B. Pitts, P. Schmidt, J. Hoffman, and D. Newman, "Astronaut Performance: Implications for Future Spacesuit Design", 53rd International Astronautical Congress, Houston, TX, IAC, 2002.
Stirling, L., N W. D. J. K., "Astronaut rotational Motion During Simulate Microgravity (paper and poster)", North American Congress on Biomechanics, Ann Arbor, MI, August 5-9, 2008.
Clark, T. K., L. R. Young, A. J. Stimpson, K. R. Duda, C. M. Oman, and A. Natapoff, "Astronaut Spatial Orientation Perceptions During Simulated Lunar Landing", 8th Symposium on the Role of the Vestibular Organs in Space Exploration, Houston, TX, April 8-10, 2011.
Mateus, J., C H Y. J. A. N., "Asymmetry in Vestibular Responses to Cross-Coupled Stimulus ", XXVI Barany Society Meeting, Reykjavik, Iceland, 2010.
Young, L.. R., Beyond Mars, Keynote Address, Foundation for the Future, , Seattle, WA, June 2005.
Young, L. R., Beyond Mars, Keynote Address, Foundation for the Future, , Seattle, WA, June 2005.
Bethke, K., C. Carr, B. Pitts, and D. Newman, "Bio-Suit Development: Viable Options for Mechanical Counter Pressure", Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., Warrendale, PA, SAE, 2004.
Saleh, J. H., D. E. Marais, D. Hastings, and D. Newman, "The Case for Flexibility in System Design", INCOSE 2002 International Symposium, Las Vesgas, Nevada, July 28-August 1, 2002.
Saleh, J. H., K. S. Mariais, D. Hastings, and D. Newman, "The Case for Flexibility in System Design", 12th Annual INCOSE Insternational Systems Engineering Symposium (INCOSE 2001), Las Vegas, NV, July-August 2002.
Wong, J., A. Wu, T. Jarchow, and H. Hecht, "The Cognitive Effects of Artificial Gravity Created by Short-Radius Centrifugation", ASMA, 2005.
Wong, J.., A. Wu, T. Jarchow, and H. Hecht, "The Cognitive Effects of Artificial Gravity Created by Short-Radius Centrifugation", ASMA, 2005.
Wagner, E.B., N S. D. J. S. A., "Commercial Payload Specialist Training", Aerospace Medical Association (AsMA) Annual Meeting, Poenix, AZ, May 2010.
Young, L. R., J. L. Meiry, and Y. T. Li, "Control engineering approaches to human dynamic spatial orientation", 2nd Symposium on the Role of the Vestibular Organs in Space Exploration, vol. NASA SP-115, Ames research Center, CA, NASA, pp. 217-227, January 25-27, 1, 1966.
Vadhavkar, N.A.., and J.T.. Somers, "Correlation of Hybrid III numerical models with physical ATD responses in various loading directions", 2013 NASA Human Research Program Investigators' Workshop, Galveston, TX, February 12-14, 2013.
Young, L.. R., "Countermeasure for a Mars Exploration Mission", International Forum for Space Life Science and Space Biotechnology, Beijing, China, September 24, 2013.
Young, L.. R., N.W.M.. Beckers, F.. Karmali, and T.K.. Clark, "Countermeasures to Reduce Sensorimotor Impairment and Space Motion Sickness Results from Altered Gravity Levels", NASA Human research Program Investigator's Workshop, Galveston, TX, Feb. 11-13, 2014.
Rush, M., W N. D. D. J., "Creative Thinking in a First Year Mechanical Engineering Design Course at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology: A Community of Practice Model", ASME Conference, Boston, MA, May 2008.
Mateus, J., A. N. Hearn, J. Canizales, and L. R. Young, "Cross-Coupled Stimulus During Artificial Gravity: Asymmetric Tumbling Intensity Response", 8th Symposium on the Role of the Vestibular Organs in Space Exploration, Houston, TX, April 11-15, 201, 2011.
Marquez, J., J. Arnold, J. Hoffman, and O. de Weck, "Defining Parameters for Planetary Extravehicular Activities: A Study of Exurcions in a Mars Analog Environment", Habitation 2006, 2006.
