HSL Bibliography

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Márquez, J. J., C. M. Oman, and A. Liu, "You-are-here maps for International Space Station: Approach and Guidelines", SAE International Conference on Environmental Systems: SAE International, pp. 1-7, 2004.
Adenot, S., T. Jarchow, and L. R. Young, "Adaptation of VOR to Coriolis Stimulation", Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, vol. 1039, New York, pp. 1-9, March 2005.
Adenot, S.., T. Jarchow, and L.. R. Young, "Adaptation of VOR to Coriolis Stimulation", Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, vol. 1039, New York, pp. 1-9, March 2005.
Meliga, P., H. Hecht, L. R. Young, and F. W. Mast, "Artificial gravity-head movements during short-radius centrifugation: Influence of cognitive effects", Acta Astronautica, vol. 56, no. 2005, pp. 859-866, 2005.
Meliga, P.., H. Hecht, L.. R. Young, and F.W.. Mast, "Artificial gravity-head movements during short-radius centrifugation: Influence of cognitive effects", Acta Astronautica, vol. 56, no. 2005, pp. 859-866, 2005.
Young, L. R., Beyond Mars, Keynote Address, Foundation for the Future, , Seattle, WA, June 2005.
Young, L.. R., Beyond Mars, Keynote Address, Foundation for the Future, , Seattle, WA, June 2005.
Wong, J., A. Wu, T. Jarchow, and H. Hecht, "The Cognitive Effects of Artificial Gravity Created by Short-Radius Centrifugation", ASMA, 2005.
Wong, J.., A. Wu, T. Jarchow, and H. Hecht, "The Cognitive Effects of Artificial Gravity Created by Short-Radius Centrifugation", ASMA, 2005.
Marquez, J., M. Cummings, N. Roy, M. Kunda, and D. Newman, "Collaborative Human-Computer Decision Support for Planetary Surface Transversal", AIAA Infotech@Aerospace, September 2005.
MacLeish, M. Y., N. P. Moreno, W. A. Thomson, D. Newman, P. J. Gannon, R. S. Smith, J. J. Denton, R. K. James, C. Wilson, M. Sognier, et al., "Communicating Bioastronautics Research to Students, Families and the Nation", Acta Astronautica, vol. 56, pp. 773-782, March 2005.
Burki-Cohen, J., and T. H. Go, "The Effect of Simulator Motion Cues on Initial Training of Airline Pilots", AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference, San Fransisco, CA, August 2005.
Burki-Cohen, J., and T. H. Go, "The Effect of Simulator Motion Cues on Initial Training of Airline Pilots", AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference, San Fransisco, CA, August 2005.
Saleh, J. H., R. Hassan, J. P. Torres-Padilla, D. Hastings, and D. Newman, "Impact of Subsustem Reliability on Satellite Revenue Generation and Present Value", AIAA Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, vol. 42, no. 6, Nov-Dec, 2005.
Oman, C. M., and A. Liu, "Mars Mission Concept Exploration and Refinement: Study Phase 2 Final Report: Human Factors Engineering", Final Report, no. 3.19, Cambridge, MA 02139, CS Draper Laboratory, 555 Technology Square, pp. 1-38, 2005.
Young, L. R., and S. Adenot, Mars, Un Nouvel Espace Pour L'Homme (Mars, a New Space for Humans, : Editions Odile Jacob, June 2005.
Hecht, H., M. Bertamini, and M. Gamer, "Naive Optics: Acting on Mirror Reflections", Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, vol. 31, no. 5, pp. 1023-1038, 2005.
Hecht, H., M. Bertamini, and M. Gamer, "Naive Optics: Acting on Mirror Reflections", Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, vol. 31, no. 5, pp. 1023-1038, 2005.
Jarchow, T., and L. R. Young, "Neurovestibular Adaptation to Short Radius Centrifugations", Journal of Gravitational Physiology, 2005.
Jarchow, T., and L. R. Young, "Neurovestibular Aspects of Short-Radius Artificial Gravity: Parameters determinig adaptation (Abstract)", 15th Humans in Space Symposium Meeting, Graz, Austria, Submitted to Astra Astronautica, May 22-26, 2005.
Jarchow, T., and L.. R. Young, "Neurovestibular Aspects of Short-Radius Artificial Gravity: Parameters determinig adaptation (Abstract)", 15th Humans in Space Symposium Meeting, Graz, Austria, Submitted to Astra Astronautica, May 22-26, 2005.
Jarchow, T., and L. R. Young, "Parameters Determining Neurovestibular Adaptation to Short-Radius Artifical Gravity", Acta Astronautica, 2005.
Saleh, J. H., N. Jordan, and D. Newman, "Shifting the Emphasis: From Cost Models to Satellite Utility or Revenue Models", Acta Astronautica, June 2005.
Young, L. R., Some Memories of Larry Stark's Years at MIT and afterwards, , Berkely, CA, May 2005.
Young, L.. R., Some Memories of Larry Stark's Years at MIT and afterwards, , Berkely, CA, May 2005.
Oman, C. M., L. Harris, J. Taube, R. Dyde, H. Jenkin, A. Liu, D. Benveniste, D. A. Buckland, A. Natapoff, and J. Richards, "Visual orientation, navigation and spatial memory: mechanisms and countermeasures", USRA Bioastronautics Investigator's Workshop, Galveston, TX, Universities Space Research Association, Division of Space Biomedicine, 2005.
Carr, C., and D. Newman, "When is running in a space suit more efficient than walking in a sapce suit?", SAE 2005 Transactions Journal of Aerosapce, vol. 114, no. July 2005, July 11-14, 2005.
Carr, C., and D. Newman, "When is running in a space suit more efficient than walking in a space suit?", Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., Warrendale, PA, SAE, 2005.
Carr, C.., and D. Newman, "When is Running More Efficient Than Walking in a Space Suit?", 35th International Conference on Environmental Systems (ICES), Rome, Italy, SAE International, July 11-14, 2005.
Young, L. R., "Why Mars?", Humanity 3000, Humans in Space: The Next Thousand Years, proceedings, section:4.2.4, Bellevue, Washington, USA, pp. 71-81, June 2005.
