HSL Bibliography

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Grenon, M., J. Mateus, H. York, S. Ravi, L.R. Young, and J. Gagnon, "Use of Short-Radius Centrifugation to Augment Ankle-Brachial Indices", Journal of Investigative Medicine, vol. 57, no. No. 5, pp. 640-644, June 2009.
Clark, T.K., S Y O D. A. J. L. R., "Analysis of Human Spatial Perception during Lunar Landing", IEEE AC Paper #1183, Big Sky, MT, IEEEAC, pp. 1-13, 2/2010.
Stirling, L., A W F N. L. K. E., "Application of Quantized Control to Human reorientation Maneuvers in Microgravity", Journal of Biomechanics, 2010.
Young, L. R., "Artificial gravity: Is Short Radius Centrifugation the Universal Countermeasure for Long Space Missions?", ELGRA Biennial Symposium and General Assembly "In the Footsteps of Columbus", vol. 26, Bonn, Germany, ELGRA News, September 1-4, 2, 2010.
van Iwase, S., S N P Y L W C R G L. J. N. W., "Artificial Gravity with Ergometric Exercise on International Space Station as the Countermeasure for Space Deconditioning in Humans", ESA Space Life Sciences Symposium , Trieste, June 2010.
Mateus, J., C H Y. J. A. N., "Asymmetry in Vestibular Responses to Cross-Coupled Stimulus ", XXVI Barany Society Meeting, Reykjavik, Iceland, 2010.
Wagner, E.B., N S. D. J. S. A., "Commercial Payload Specialist Training", Aerospace Medical Association (AsMA) Annual Meeting, Poenix, AZ, May 2010.
Kaderka, J., L.R. Young, and W.H. Paloski, "A critical benefit analysis of artificial gravity as a microgravity countermeasure", Acta Astronautica, vol. 67, no. 2010, pp. 1090-1102, 2010.
Kaderka, J., "A Critical Benefit Analysis of Artificial Gravity as a Microgravity Countermeasure", Aeronautics and Astronautics, vol. SM, Cambridge, MIT, pp. 187, June 2010.
Goel, R., V C Y. A. G. L., "Design of an Advanced Helmet Liner Using Simulations", IMPLAST 2010 SEM Fall Conference, Providence, RI, October 12-14, 2, 2010.
Stirling, L., K. Willcox, and D. J. Newman, "Development of a Computational Model for Astronaut Reorientation", Journal of Biomechanics, vol. 43, no. 12, pp. 2309-2314, August 2010.
Christou, G.A., "Development of a Helmet Liner for Protection Against Blast Induced Trauma", Aeronautics and Astronautics, vol. SM, Cambridge, MIT, pp. 215, February 2010.
Goel, R., K M N. J. K. D., "Enhancing the benefits of Artificial Gravity Countermeasure Coupled with Exercise and Vibration", International Astronautical Congress, Prague, Sept. 2010.
Young, D., S. D'Orey, R. Opperman, C. Hainley, and D. J. Newman, "Estimation of Lower Limb Joint Angles During Walking Using Extended Kalman Filtering", 6th World Congress on Biomechanics, Singapore, Aug. 2010.
Stewart, D., Y G C. L. R. R., "Evaluating the Performance of Helmet Linings Incorporating Fluid Channels", Journal of ASTM International, 2010.
Anderson, A., T G T N. J. L. G., "Framework for Space-Inspired Informal Education Exhibits", International Conference on Environmental Systems (ICES), Barcelona, Space, July 2010.
Waldie, J., N. D., "A Gravity Loading Countermeasure Skinsuit", Acta Astronautica, vol. 67, 2010.
Clark, T., "Human Spatial Orientation Perceptions During Simulated Lunar Landing", Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics, vol. SM Thesis, Cambridge, MA, MIT, pp. 135, 2010.
Johnson, A.W., H N M Z. J. D. J., "An Integrated EVA Mission Planner and Support Tool for Future Planetary Exploration", 2010 NASA Human ResearchProgram Investigators' Workshop, Houston, TX, Feb. 3-5, 2010.
Johnson, A.W., J. Hoffman, D. J. Newman, E. Mazarico, and M. Zuber, "An Integrated Traverse Planner and Analysis Tool for Future Planetary Exploration", SPACE 2010 Conference, Anaheim, CA, AIAA, Aug. 30 - Sept. , 2010.
raak etal Van Loon, J.J.W.A., B B B B B J.R B C C C C C A Y. J. S. K., "A large Human Centrifuge for Exploration and Exploratory Research", 39th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 2012, 2010.
Young, L. R., "Mathematical Models of the Vestibular System", XXVI Barany Society Meeting, Iceland, August 16, 2010.
Anderson, A., W N. J. D. J., "Modeling and Design of a BioSuit Donning System for Advanced Extravehicular Activity", International Conference on Environmental Systems (ICES), Barcelona, Spain, July 2010.
Sheehan, S.E., C.M. Oman, and K.R. Duda, "Motion Sickness: A Cholinomimetic Agent Hypothesis", Psychophysiology, pp. 1-14, 2010.
Venkatesan, R. H., "Multisensory Models for Human Spatial Orientation Including Threshold Effects", Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Cambridge, MA, MIT, pp. 71, May 2010.
Opperman, R. A., A.C. Wicht, and D. J. Newman, "Orbital Collisions and Space Debris - Incidence Impact and International Policy", International Astronautical Congress, Prague, Sept. 2010.
Kaderka, J., J. Mateus, A. Liu, and L. R. Young, "Partial Gravity Effects on Slope Estimation", Aerosapce Medical Association 81st Annual Scientific Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, Aerospace Medical Association , 2010.
Wagner, E. B., N.P. Granzella, N. Saito, D. J. Newman, L.R. Young, and M.L. Bouxsein, "Partial weight suspension: a novel murine model for investigating adaptation to reduced musculoskeletal loading", Journal of Applied Physiology, vol. 109, issue 2, pp. 350-357, 2010.
Opperman, R. A., J.M. Waldie, A. Natapoff, D. J. Newman, and A. Jones, "Probability of Spacesuit-Induced Fingernail Trauma is Associated with Hand Circumference", Aviation, Space and Environmental Medicine, vol. 81, pp. 907-913, 10/2010.
Young, L.R., A. J. Stimpson, T. K. Clark, K. R. Duda, and C.M. Oman, "Sensorimotor Controls and Displays for Safe and Precise Lunar Landing", 61st International Astronautical Congress, Prague, Czech Republic, 09/2010.
