HSL Bibliography

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Young, L. R., PhD Bioastronautics Training Program, : American Society for Gravitation and Space Biology, November 2-6, 20, 2011.
Young, L. R., V. Henn, and H. Scherberger, Fundamentals of the Theory of Movement Perception by Dr. Ernst Mach, , New York, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Press, 2001.
Young, L. R., R. V. Kenyon, and C. M. Oman, Habituation to novel visual vestibular environments with special reference to space flight; final report 1974-1980, , Cambridge, Mass., Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Man-Vehicle Laboratory, pp. 18 leaves, 1981.
Newman, D., Interactive Aerospace Engineering and Design, : McGraw-Hill, Inc., 2002.
Young, L. R., R. E. Curry, and C. M. Oman, Research on integration of visual and motion cues for flight simulation and ride quality investigation : final report NASA Grant NSG 22-009-701, June 1972 through February 1977, , Cambridge, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Center for Space Research, Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Man-Vehicle Laboratory, pp. 80, 1977.
Book Chapter
Oman, C. M., "Human Visual Orientation in Weightlessness", Levels of Perception, New York, NY, Springer Verlag, pp. 375-398, 2003.
Oman, C. M., "Human Visual Orientation in Weightlessness", Levels of Perception, New York, NY, Springer Verlag, pp. 375-398, 2003.
Oman, C. M., "In search of a cure for seasickness", US Sailing Association/Cruising World Safety-At-Sea Seminar text, Newport, RI, Cruising World Safety-At-Sea Institute, pp. 26-28, 2004.
Oman, C. M., "In search of a cure for seasickness", US Sailing Association/Cruising World Safety-At-Sea Seminar text, Newport, RI, Cruising World Safety-At-Sea Institute, pp. 26-28, 2004.
Oman, C. M., "The influence of duct and utricular morphology on semicircular canal response", Vestibular Function and Morphology, New York, Springer Verlag, pp. 251-274, 1981.
Kerzel, D., and H. Hecht, "Interdisciplinary perspectives on causation", Visual causality, vol. 4: G. Grabhoff, T. Lampet & T. Sauer, pp. 119-139, 2001.
Oman, C. M., and K. E. Money, "Medical monitoring and therapy of space motion sickness", Space 2000, pp. 311-326, 1983.
Young, L. R., J. R. Tole, C. M. Oman, and A. D. Weiss, "A microprocessor based vestibular test battery", Vestibular Mechanisms in Health and Disease, London, Academic Press, pp. 135-143, 1978.
Liu, A. M., "Modelling differences in behavior between and within drivers", Human Modelling in Assisted Transportation: Models, Tools and Risk Methods, Milan, Springer-Verlag, pp. 15-22, 2011.
Oman, C. M., "Neurolab Virtual Environment Generator", The Neurolab Spacelab Mission:Neuroscience Research In Space, vol. NASA SP-2003-535, Houston, TX, NASA Johnson Space Center, pp. 253-258, 2003.
Oman, C. M., "Neurolab Virtual Environment Generator", The Neurolab Spacelab Mission:Neuroscience Research In Space, vol. NASA SP-2003-535, Houston, TX, NASA Johnson Space Center, pp. 253-258, 2003.
Tole, J. R., C. M. Oman, D. L. Michaels, A. D. Weiss, and L. R. Young, "Nystagmus analysis using a microprocessor based instrument", Vestibular Mechanisms in Health and Disease, London, Academic Press, 1978.
Oman, C. M., I. Howard, T. Smith, A. Beall, A. Natapoff, J. Zacher, and H. Jenkin, "The Role of Visual Cues in Microgravity Spatial Orientation", The Neurolab Spacelab Mission:Neuroscience Research In Space, vol. NASA SP-2003-535, Houston, TX, NASA Johnson Space Center, pp. 69-82, 2003.
Oman, C. M., I. Howard, T. Smith, A. Beall, A. Natapoff, J. Zacher, and H. Jenkin, "The Role of Visual Cues in Microgravity Spatial Orientation", The Neurolab Spacelab Mission:Neuroscience Research In Space, vol. NASA SP-2003-535, Houston, TX, NASA Johnson Space Center, pp. 69-82, 2003.
Oman, C. M., "Sensory conflict in motion sickness: an Observer Theory approach", Pictorial communication in real and virtual environments, London, Taylor and Francis, pp. 362-367, 1991.
Oman, C. M., B. K. Lichtenberg, and K. E. Money, "Space motion sickness monitoring experiment: Spacelab 1", Motion and Space Sickness, Boca Raton, FL, CRC Press, pp. 217-246, 1990.
Oman, C. M., and I. Shubentsov, "Space sickness symptom severity correlates with average head acceleration", Mechanisms and Control of Emesis, vol. 233: Colloque INSERM/Libbey Eurotext, Ltd., pp. 185-194, 1992.
Young, L. R., "Spatial Orientation", Principles and Practice of Aviation Psychology, New Jersey, Erlbaum , pp. 69-114, 2003.
Young, L.. R., "Spatial Orientation", Principles and Practice of Aviation Psychology, New Jersey, Erlbaum , pp. 69-114, 2003.
Oman, C. M., "Spatial Orientation and Navigation in Microgravity", Spatial Processing in Navigation, Imagery and Perception, New York City, Springer Verlag, pp. in press, 2007.
Oman, C. M., "Spatial Orientation and Navigation in Microgravity", Spatial Processing in Navigation, Imagery and Perception, New York City, Springer Verlag, pp. 209-247, 2007.
Conference Paper
Jarchow, T., and L. R. Young, "Adaptation to head movements during short radius centrifugation", 55th International Astronautical Congress., Vancouver, Canada, submitted to Acta Astronautica, October 4-8, 200, 2004.
Jarchow, T., and L.. R. Young, "Adaptation to head movements during short radius centrifugation", 55th International Astronautical Congress., Vancouver, Canada, submitted to Acta Astronautica, October 4-8, 2004.
Young, L.. R., T. Jarchow, P.l.. Elias, J. Pouly, S. Sheehan, and J. Mateus, "Adapting to Coriolis Cross Coupled Head Movements at Centrifuge Speeds up to 30RPM 1, (abstract)", XXV Barany Society Meeting, Kyoto, Japan, March 31, 2008.
Liu, A., V. Wang, R. E. Forman, R. C. Galvan, A. Natapoff, and C. M. Oman, "Advanced Displays for Efficient Training and Operation of Robotic Systems", NASA Human Research Program Investigators' Workshop, Houston, TX, 2012.
