HSL Bibliography

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Journal Article
Petropoulos, A. E., 3rd. Wall, C., and C. M. Oman, "Yaw sensory rearrangement alters pitch vestibulo-ocular reflex responses", Acta Otolaryngol, vol. 117, no. 5, pp. 647-56, Sep, 1997.
Oman, C. M., and O. L. Bock, "Visually induced self-motion sensation adapts rapidly to left-right reversal of vision", Ann N Y Acad Sci, vol. 374, pp. 352-60, 1981.
Oman, C. M., O. L. Bock, and J. K. Huang, "Visually induced self-motion sensation adapts rapidly to left-right visual reversal", Science, vol. 209, no. 4457, pp. 706-8, Aug 8, 1980.
Wicke, R. W., and C. M. Oman, "Visual and graviceptive influences on lower leg EMG activity in humans during brief falls", Exp Brain Res, vol. 46, no. 3, pp. 324-30, 1982.
McGrath, B. J., F. E. Guedry, C. M. Oman, and A. H. Rupert, "Vestibulo-ocular response of human subjects seated in a pivoting support system during 3 Gz centrifuge stimulation", J Vestib Res, vol. 5, no. 5, pp. 331-47, Sep-Oct, 1995.
Young, L. R., C. M. Oman, D. G. Watt, K. E. Money, and B. K. Lichtenberg, "Spatial orientation in weightlessness and readaptation to earth's gravity", Science, vol. 225, no. 4658, pp. 205-8, Jul 13, 1984.
Oman, C. M., and M. J. Kulbaski, "Spaceflight affects the 1-g postrotatory vestibulo-ocular reflex", Adv Otorhinolaryngol, vol. 42, pp. 5-8, 1988.
Young, L. R., B. K. Lichtenberg, A. P. Arrott, T. A. Crites, C. M. Oman, and E. R. Edelman, "Ocular torsion on earth and in weightlessness", Ann N Y Acad Sci, vol. 374, pp. 80-92, 1981.
Merfeld, D. M., L. R. Young, C. M. Oman, and M. J. Shelhamer, "A multidimensional model of the effect of gravity on the spatial orientation of the monkey", J Vestib Res, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 141-61, Summer, 1993.
Oman, C. M., "Motion sickness: a synthesis and evaluation of the sensory conflict theory", Can J Physiol Pharmacol, vol. 68, no. 2, pp. 294-303, Feb, 1990.
Oman, C. M., B. K. Lichtenberg, K. E. Money, and R. K. McCoy, "MIT/Canadian vestibular experiments on the Spacelab-1 mission: 4. Space motion sickness: symptoms, stimuli, and predictability", Experimental Brain Research, vol. 64, no. 2, pp. 316-34, 1986.
Young, L. R., C. M. Oman, D. G. Watt, K. E. Money, B. K. Lichtenberg, R. V. Kenyon, and A. P. Arrott, "MIT./Canadian vestibular experiments on the Spacelab-1 mission: 1. Sensory adaptation to weightlessness and readaptation to one-g: an overview", Experimental Brain Research, vol. 64, no. 2, pp. 291-8, 1986.
Young, L. R., C. M. Oman, and J. M. Dichgans, "Influence of head orientation on visually induced pitch and roll sensation", Aviat Space Environ Med, vol. 46, no. 3, pp. 264-8, Mar, 1975.
Mullen, T. J., R. D. Berger, C. M. Oman, and R. J. Cohen, "Human heart rate variability relation is unchanged during motion sickness", J Vestib Res, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 95-105, Jan-Feb, 1998.
Oman, C. M., and M. D. Balkwill, "Horizontal angular VOR, nystagmus dumping, and sensation duration in spacelab SLS-1 crewmembers", J Vestib Res, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 315-30, Fall, 1993.
Oman, C. M., "A heuristic mathematical model for the dynamics of sensory conflict and motion sickness", Acta Otolaryngol Suppl, vol. 392, pp. 1-44, 1982.
Schmedtje, J. F., J.., C. M. Oman, R. Letz, and E. L. Baker, "Effects of scopolamine and dextroamphetamine on human performance", Aviat Space Environ Med, vol. 59, no. 5, pp. 407-10, May, 1988.
Bock, O. L., and C. M. Oman, "Dynamics of subjective discomfort in motion sickness as measured with a magnitude estimation method", Aviat Space Environ Med, vol. 53, no. 8, pp. 773-7, Aug, 1982.