HSL Bibliography

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Journal Article
Jordan, N., J. H. Saleh, and D. Newman, "the extravehicular mobility uinit: A review of environment, requirements, and design changes int he US spacesuit", Acta Astronautica, vol. 59, no. 12, pp. 1135-1145, July 2006.
Go, T. H., J. Burki-Cohen, W. W. Chung, J. A. Schroeder, G. Sailant, S. Jacobs, and I. Longridge, "The effects of enhanced hexapod motion on airline pilot recurrent training and evaluation", AIAA , vol. 2003, no. 5678, pp. 1-11, 2003.
Go, T. H., J. Burki-Cohen, W. W. Chung, J. A. Schroeder, G. Sailant, S. Jacobs, and I. Longridge, "The effects of enhanced hexapod motion on airline pilot recurrent training and evaluation", AIAA , vol. 2003, no. 5678, pp. 1-11, 2003.
Jenkin, H. L., J. E. Zacher, M. R. Jenkin, C. M. Oman, and L. R. Harris, "Effect of field of view on the Levitation Illusion", Journal of Vestibular Research, vol. submitted, 2007.
Jenkin, H. L., J. E. Zacher, M. R. Jenkin, C. M. Oman, and L. R. Harris, "Effect of field of view on the Levitation Illusion", Journal of Vestibular Research, vol. submitted, 2007.
Jenkin, H. L., J. E. Zacher, M. R. Jenkin, C. M. Oman, and L. R. Harris, "Effect of field of view on the Levitation Illusion", Journal of Vestibular Research, vol. submitted, 2007.
Jenkin, H. L., J. E. Zacher, M. R. Jenkin, C. M. Oman, and L. R. Harris, "Effect of field of view on the Levitation Illusion", Journal of Vestibular Research, vol. submitted, 2007.
Johnson, A. W., C. M. Oman, T. B. Sheridan, and K. R. Duda, "Dynamic task Allocation in Operational Systems: Issues, Gaps, and Recommendations", IEEE , 2014.
Johnson, A. W., C.. M. Oman, T.B. Sheridan, and K.R. Duda, "Dynamic Task Allocation in Operational Systems: Issues, Gaps, and Recommendations", IEEE , 2014.
MacLeish, M. Y., N. P. Moreno, W. A. Thomson, D. Newman, P. J. Gannon, R. S. Smith, J. J. Denton, R. K. James, C. Wilson, M. Sognier, et al., "Communicating Bioastronautics Research to Students, Families and the Nation", Acta Astronautica, vol. 56, pp. 773-782, March 2005.
Johnson, A. W., K. R. Duda, T. B. Sheridan, and C. M. Oman, "A closed-loop model of operator visual attention, situation awareness, and performance across automation mode transitions", Human Factors, vol. ePub, no. ePub, pp. ePub-ePub, 2016.
Tadić, V. M., I. Jeremic, S. Dobric, A. Isakovic, I. Markovic, V. Trajkovic, D. Bojovic, and I. Arsic, "Anti-inflammatory, Gastroprotective, and Cytotoxic Effects of Sideritis scardica Extracts", Planta Med, 24.01.2012, vol. 78, no. 05, pp. 415-427, 28.03.2012.
Jarchow, T., and L.. R. Young, "Adaptation to head movements during short radius centrifugation", Acta Astronautica, vol. 61, no. November 2007, pp. 881-888, 12/11/06, 2007.
Jarchow, T., and L. R. Young, "Adaptation to head movements during short radius centrifugation", Acta Astronautica, vol. 61, pp. 881-888, 2007.
Adenot, S.., T. Jarchow, and L.. R. Young, "Adaptation of VOR to Coriolis Stimulation", Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, vol. 1039, New York, pp. 1-9, March 2005.
Adenot, S., T. Jarchow, and L. R. Young, "Adaptation of VOR to Coriolis Stimulation", Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, vol. 1039, New York, pp. 1-9, March 2005.
Conference Proceedings
Oman, C. M., L. Harris, J. Taube, R. Dyde, H. Jenkin, A. Liu, D. Benveniste, D. A. Buckland, A. Natapoff, and J. Richards, "Visual orientation, navigation and spatial memory: mechanisms and countermeasures", USRA Bioastronautics Investigator's Workshop, Galveston, TX, Universities Space Research Association, Division of Space Biomedicine, 2005.
Duda, K.R.., R.A.. Vasquez, A.J.. Middleton, M.L.. Hansberry, D.J.. Newman, S.E.. Jacobs, and J.J.. West, "Variable Vector Countermeasure Suit (V2Suit) for Space Exploration", NASA HRP Investigators' Workshop, Galveston, TX, 2015.
Oman, C. M., I. P. Howard, T. Smith, A. Beall, A. Natapoff, J. Zacher, and H. Jenkin, "STS-90 Experiments on the Role of Visual Cues in Microgravity Spatial Orientation", USRA Bioastronautics Investigators Workshop, Galveston, TX, Universities Space Research Association, Divsion of Space Biomedicine, 2001.
Johnson, K., L. Ren, J. Kuchar, and C. M. Oman, "Interaction of automation and time pressure in a route replanning task", International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction in Aeronautics (HCI-Aero2002), Cambridge, MA, American Association for Artificial Intelligence (www.aaai.org), October 23-25, 2, 2002.
Mulavara, A.P.., I.S.. Kofman, Y.E.. De Dios, R. Galvan, R.. Goel, C.. Miller, B.. Peters, J.. Cohen, J.A.. Jeevarajan, M.. Rescke, et al., "Improving Sensorimotor Adaptation Following Long-Duration Spaceflight By Enhancing Vestibular Information Transfer (Abstract)", NASA HRP Investigators' Workshop, Galveston, TX, 2015.
Johnson, K., J. Kuchar, and C. M. Oman, "Experimental study of automation to support time-critical replanning decisions", Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 46th Annual Meeting, Baltimore MD, October 3, 2002.
Wen, H. Y., Johnson, A.W., K. R. Duda, C. M. Oman, and A. Natapoff, "Decision-Making and Risk-Taking Behavior in Lunar Landing", 56th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Boston, MA, Oct. 22-26, 2012.
Garrick-Bethell, I.., T. Jarchow, H. Hecht, and L.. R. Young, "Cross-Plane transfer of Vestibular Adaptation to Coriolis Cross-Coupled Stimuli (Abstract)", XXIII INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF THE BARANY SOCIETY, Paris, France, July 7-9, 2004.
Garrick-Bethell, I., T. Jarchow, H. Hecht, and L. R. Young, "Cross-Plane transfer of Vestibular Adaptation to Coriolis Cross-Coupled Stimuli (Abstract)", XXIII INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF THE BARANY SOCIETY, Paris, France, July 7-9, 2004.
Conference Paper
Clark, T. K., A. W. Johnson, and A. J. Stimpson, "Why Devin Hester is a Better Returner when He Doesn't touch the Ball: The Effectiveness of the Squib Kickoff in the NFL", 2012 MIT Sloan Sports Analytics Conference, Bosont, MA, 2-3 March, 2012.
Harris, L., R. Dyde, C. M. Oman, and M. Jenkin, "Visual cues to the direction of the floor (abstract)", 7th Symposium on the Role of the Vestibular Organs in Space Exploration, European Space Technology Centre (ESTEC), Noordwijk, the Netherlands, European Space Agency, June 7-9, 2006.
Harris, L., R. Dyde, C. M. Oman, and M. Jenkin, "Visual cues to the direction of the floor (abstract)", 7th Symposium on the Role of the Vestibular Organs in Space Exploration, European Space Technology Centre (ESTEC), Noordwijk, the Netherlands, European Space Agency, June 7-9, 2006.
Johnson, A. W., A. J. Stimpson, and T. Clark, "Turning the Tide: Big Plays and Psychological Momentum in the NFL (poster)", 2012 MIT Sloan Sports Analytics Conference, Boston, MA, 2-3 Mar. 2012.
Edmonds, J. L., K. Duda, T. Jarchow, and L. R. Young, "Stair-stepping and squats during centrifugation: feasibility, biomechanics, and fitness benefits. (Abstract and poster)", 28th Annual International gravitational Physiology Meeting, San Antonio, TX, April 8-13, 2007.
