HSL Bibliography
"Incongruent Spacecraft Module Visual Verticals Affect Spatial Task Performance",
7th International Symposium on the Role of Vestibular Organs in Space Exploration, European Space Technology Center, Noordwijk, Holland, June 7-9, 2006.
"Incongruent Spacecraft Module Visual Verticals Affect Spatial Task Performance",
7th International Symposium on the Role of Vestibular Organs in Space Exploration, European Space Technology Center, Noordwijk, Holland, June 7-9, 2006.
"Spacecraft Module Visual verticals and Individual Spatial Abilities Determie 3D Spatial task Performance",
ASMA 2006, Orlando, FL, May 15-18, 2006.
"Spacecraft Module Visual Verticals and Training Affect Spatial Task Performance",
Habitation, vol. 10, no. 3-4, pp. 202-203, 2006.
"Spacecraft Module Visual Verticals and Training Affect Spatial Task Performance",
Habitation, vol. 10, no. 3-4, pp. 202-203, 2006.
"Visual orientation, navigation and spatial memory: mechanisms and countermeasures",
USRA Bioastronautics Investigator's Workshop, Galveston, TX, Universities Space Research Association, Division of Space Biomedicine, 2005.