HSL Bibliography

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Burki-Cohen, J., and T. H. Go, "The Effect of Simulator Motion Cues on Initial Training of Airline Pilots", AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference, San Fransisco, CA, August 2005.
Burki-Cohen, J., and T. H. Go, "The Effect of Simulator Motion Cues on Initial Training of Airline Pilots", AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference, San Fransisco, CA, August 2005.
Oman, C. M., A. J. Kendra, M. Hayashi, M. Stearns, and J. Burki-Cohen, "Vertical Navigation Displays: Pilot Performance and Workload During Simulated Constant-Angle-of-Descent GPS Approaches", Proceedings of 10th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Columbus, OH, pp. 13-18, 1999.