HSL Bibliography
"Astronaut-Induced Disturbances to the Microgravity Environment on Board the Mir Space Station: Results of teh Ehanced Dynamic Load Sensors Spaceflight Experiment",
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"Bone Hemodynamic Responses to Changes in External Presssure",
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"Brainstem processing of vestibular sensory reafference: implications for motion sickness etiology ",
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"Centrifuge Protocol for the NASA Artificial Gravity-Bed Pilot Study",
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"Characterization of a lower-body exoskeleton for simulation of space-suited locomotion",
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"Characterization of a lower-body exoskeleton for simulation of space-suited locomotion",
Acta Astronautica, vol. 62, no. 2008, pp. 308-323, 2008.
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"Collaborative Human-Computer Decision Support for Planetary Surface Transversal",
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"Combining ergometer exercise and artificial gravity in a compact-radius centrifuge",
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"Combining ergometer exercise and artificial gravity in a compact-radius centrifuge",
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"Communicating Bioastronautics Research to Students, Families and the Nation",
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"Cupula motion in the semicircular canal of the skate, Raja erinacea. An experimental investigation",
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"The current satus of vestibular system models",
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"Design of Power Systems for Extensible Surface Mobility Systems on the Moon and Mars",
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"Development and Evaluation of a Pilot Cueing System for Near-Term Implementation of Aircraft Noise Abatement Approach Procedures",
AIAA Journal of Aircraft, no. (accepted), 2007.
"Development and Evaluation of a Pilot Cueing System for Near-Term Implementation of Aircraft Noise Abatement Approach Procedures",
AIAA Journal of Aircraft, no. (accepted), 2007.
"Development of a Computational Model for Astronaut Reorientation",
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"Development of a desktop virtual reality based preflight training system for three-dimensional orientation and navigation (Abstract)",
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"Development of a desktop virtual reality based preflight training system for three-dimensional orientation and navigation (Abstract)",
Aviat Space Environ Med, vol. accepted, 2007.
"Development of a Desktop Virtual Reality Based Preflight Training System for Three-Dimensional Navigation",
Aviation Space and Environmental Medicine, vol. 78, no. 3, March 2007.
"Diagnostic classification of changes in the human electrogastrogram during motion sickness (abstract)",
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"Dynamic response of freestanding lateral line organs (abstract)",
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