HSL Bibliography

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Menchaca-Brandan, M., A. M. Liu, C. M. Oman, and A. Natapoff, "Influence of perspective-taking and mental rotation abilities in space teleoperation", 2nd ACM/IEEE Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 07), Washington, DC, March 9-11, 2007.
Menchaca-Brandan, M.., A. M. Liu, C. M. Oman, and A. Natapoff, "Influence of perspective-taking and mental rotation abilities in space teleoperation", 2nd ACM/IEEE Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 07), Washington, DC, March 9-11, 2007.
Young, L. R., A. Natapoff, and J. Greenberg, "The Harvard-MIT PhD Program in Bioastronautics", NASA Human Research Program Investigators' Workshop, Galveston, TX, Feb. 11-13, 2014.
Young, L. R., A. Natapoff, and J. Greenberg, "The Harvard-MIT PhD Program in Bioastronautics", NASA's Human Research Program Investigators' Workshop, Galveston, TX, Feb. 11-13, 2014.