HSL Bibliography
"Fear of falling: Posture control as influenced by perceived fall height"",
Journal of Vestibular Research, vol. 21, no. Special Issue Eight Symposium on the Role of the Vestibular Organs in Space Exploration, pp. 91, April 8-10, 2011.
"An Expert System for Fault Management Assistance on a Space Sleep Experiment",
Archives Italiennes de Biologie, vol. 140, no. 3, pp. 303-313, July 2002.
"Evaluation of Sensorimotor Performance During Lunar Landing (abstract)",
Aviation Space and Environmental Medicine, vol. 80, no. 3, pp. 230, March 2009.
"The etiology of ski injuries: an eight year study of the skier and his equipment",
Orthop Clin North Am, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 13-29, Jan, 1976.
"The effect of head position on illusory self-motionin artificial gravity (abstract)",
Journal of Vestibular Research, vol. 11, no. 3-5, pp. 199, 2002.
"The current satus of vestibular system models",
Automatica, vol. 5, pp. 369-383, December, 1969.
"Brief weightlessness and tactile cues influence visually induced roll",
Advances in Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, vol. 30, pp. 230-234, 1983.
"Asymmetry in vestibular response to cross coupled stimulus",
Experimental Brain Research, vol. 209, no. 4, pp. 561-569, 2011.
"Astronaut spatial orientation perceptions during simulated lunar landing",
Journal of Vestibular Research, vol. 21, no. Special Issue Eighth Symposium on the Role of the Vestibular Organs in Space Exploration, pp. 79, April 8-10, 2011.
"Artificial gravity-head movements during short-radius centrifugation: Influence of cognitive effects",
Acta Astronautica, vol. 56, no. 2005, pp. 859-866, 2005.
"Artificial Gravity: Head Movements During Short-radius Centrifugation",
Acta Astronautica, vol. 49, no. 3-10, pp. 215-226, 2001.
"Artificial Gravity as a Multi-System Countermeasure to Bed Rest Deconditioning: Preliminary Results (Abstract)",
American Society for Gravitational and Space Biology Bulletin -- Science Issue (ASGSB), vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 1, November 2006.
"Adaptive dynamic response characteristics of the human operator in simple manual control",
IEEE Transactions on Human Factors in Electronics, pp. 6-13, 1963.
"Adapting to artificial gravity (AG) at high rotational speeds",
Journal of Gravitational Physiology, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 1-5, 2002.
"Adaptation to head movements during short radius centrifugation",
Acta Astronautica, vol. 61, pp. 881-888, 2007.
"Adaptation of VOR to Coriolis Stimulation",
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, vol. 1039, New York, pp. 1-9, March 2005.
"Adaptation of the vestibulo-ocular reflex, subjective tilt, and motion sickness to head movements during short-radius centrifugation",
Journal of Vestibular Research, vol. 13, no. 2-3, pp. 65-77, 2003.
"Adaptation of the Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex, Subjective Tilt, and Motion Sickness to Head Movements During Short-Radius Centrifugation (abstract)",
Journal of Vestibular Research, vol. 11, no. 3-5, pp. 256-257, 2002.
"Action of alcohol on vestibular compensation and habituation in the cat",
Acta Otolaryngologica, vol. 84, pp. 317-327, 1977.
"Testimony to US House of Representatives, Committee on Science Hearing on Perspectives on the President’s Vision for Space Exploration",
Committee on Science Hearing on Perspectives on the President’s Vision for Space Exploration<br/>, Washington, DC, March 10, 2004.
"Testimony to US House of Representatives, Committee on Science Hearing on Perspectives on the President’s Vision for Space Exploration",
Committee on Science Hearing on Perspectives on the President’s Vision for Space Exploration, Washington, DC, March 10, 2004.
"Why Mars?",
Humanity 3000, Humans in Space: The Next Thousand Years, proceedings, section:4.2.4, Bellevue, Washington, USA, pp. 71-81, June 2005.
"Visually induced sensations of motion",
9th Annual Conference on Manual Control, Cambridge, MA May 23-25, 1973, pp. 193-195, 1973.
"Vestibular changes following ten days of weightlessness",
International Symposium on Space Medicine, Nagoya, Japan, pp. 85-89, 1984.
"Three display techniques at the Man-Vehicle Lab",
5th Annual Conference on Manual Control, vol. NASA SP-215, Cambridge, MA, NASA, pp. 271-284, 1969.
"Physical properties of the labyrinthine fluids and quantification of the phenomenon of caloric stimulation",
3rd Symposium on the Role of the Vestibular Organs in Space Exploration, Pensacola, FL, NASA SP-152, pp. 409-420, January 24-26, 1, 1967.
"Motion and orientation sensory mechanism modeling",
National Electronics Conference, Chicago, October 1978.
"Influence of head position and field on visually induced motion effects in three axes of rotation",
Proceedings of 10th Annual Conference on Manual Control, Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, OH, 1974.
"Cross-Plane transfer of Vestibular Adaptation to Coriolis Cross-Coupled Stimuli (Abstract)",
"Automated nystagmus analysis,",
AGARD NATO Conference:Use of Nystagmography in Aviation Medicine, vol. CP-129, Pensacola, FL, NATO AGARD, pp. A22.1-A22.9, May 14-15, 1973.