HSL Bibliography

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Stirling, L., V. Newman, P. Stolyar, P. Ferguson, and D. Newman, " Quantifying Astronaut Translational Motion During Parabolic Flight (abstract)", Aerospace Medical Association (AsMA) Annual Science Meeting, vol. 79, no. 3, Boston, MA, Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, May 12-15, 2008.
Shah, J., J. H. Saleh, and J. Hoffman, "Analytical basis for Evaluating the Effect of Unplanned Interventions on the Effectiveness of a Human-Robot System", Journal of Reliability, Engineering, and Safety Systems, August 2007.
Shah, J., J. H. Saleh, and J. Hoffman, "Analytical basis for Evaluating the Effect of Unplanned Interventions on the Effectiveness of a Human-Robot System", Journal of Reliability, Engineering, and Safety Systems, August 2007.
Stirling, L., A. Arsie, E. Frazzoli, K. Wilcox, and D. Newman, "Application of Quantized Control to Self-Rotation Maneuvers in Microgravity", IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, New Orleans, LA, Dec. 2007.
Stirling, L., K. Willcox, and D. Newman, "Development of Astronaut Orientation Strategies Using Optimization Methodologies", ECCOMAS Thematic Conference, Milano, Italy, June 25-28, 2007.
Young, L. R., G. Chritou, and D. Stewart, "Fluid Helmet Liner for Blast Protection", CIMIT Innovation Congress 2007 , Boston, MA, Nov. 13, 2007.
Sanderson, J., C. M. Oman, and L. Harris, "Measurement of oscillopsia induced by vestibular coriolis stimulation", Journal of Vestibular Research, 2007.
Sim, L., M. Cummings, and C. Smith, "Past, Present and Future Implications of Human Supervisory Control in Space Missions", Acta Astronautica, 2007.
Sim, L., M. Cummings, and C. Smith, "Past, Present and Future Implications of Human Supervisory Control in Space Missions", Acta Astronautica, 2007.
Jordan, N., J. H. Saleh, and D. Newman, "Shifting the emphasis: from cost models to satellite untiity or revenue models. The case for a value-entric mindset in space system design"", Acta Astronautica, January 2007.
Saleh, J. H., N. Jordan, and D. Newman, "Shifting the Emphasis: From Cost Models to Satellite Utility or revenue Models, - The case for a value-centric mindset in space system design", Acta Astronautica, vol. 69, no. 10, pp. 889-900, 2007.
Jordan, N., C. Smith, J. H. Saleh, and D. Newman, "“Development and Validation of a Multidisciplinary Spacesuit Model”", 44th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, Nevada, Jan., 2006.
Jordan, N., C. Smith, J. H. Saleh, and D. Newman, "“Development and Validation of a Multidisciplinary Spacesuit Model”", 44th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, Nevada, Jan., 2006.
Jordan, N., J. H. Saleh, and D. Newman, "the extravehicular mobility uinit: A review of environment, requirements, and design changes int he US spacesuit", Acta Astronautica, vol. 59, no. 12, pp. 1135-1145, July 2006.
Ferguson, P., C. P. Krebs, L. Stirling, and D. Newman, "Kinetic and Kinematic Sensing System for the MICRO-G/Adapt International Space Station Experiment", IEEE Conference, Houston, Texas, Feb. 8-9, 2006.
Sanderson, J., J. Kalsey, C.M. Oman, and L.R. Harris, "Measuring and attenuating head-movement induced oscillopsia", Seventh Symposium on the Role of Vestibular Organs in Space Exploration, European Space Technology Centre (ESTEC), Noorwijk, Netherlands, 2006.
Ferguson, P., L. Stirling, K. Wilcox, K. Metaxas, and D. Newman, "Modeling Strategies for Predicting and Measuring Astronaut Locomotor Control Adaptation", Habitation 2006 Conference, Orlando, FL, February 2006.
Smith, C., N. Jordan, R. Hassan, J. H. Saleh, and D. Newman, "Multi-Objective Optimization Approachs in Spacesuite Design", 44th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit AIAA-2006-0338, Reno, Nevada,, Jan., 2006.
Smith, C., N. Jordan, R. Hassan, J. H. Saleh, and D. Newman, "Multi-Objective Optimization Approachs in Spacesuite Design", 44th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit AIAA-2006-0338, Reno, Nevada,, Jan., 2006.
Shah, J., J. H. Saleh, and J. Hoffman, "review and Synthesis of Considerations in Architecting Heterogeneous Teams of Humans and Robots for Optimal Space Exploration", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics - Part C (Applications and Reviews), November 2006.
Shah, J., J. H. Saleh, and J. Hoffman, "review and Synthesis of Considerations in Architecting Heterogeneous Teams of Humans and Robots for Optimal Space Exploration", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics - Part C (Applications and Reviews), November 2006.
Shebilske, W., T. Tubre, A. H. Tubre, C. M. Oman, and J. T. Richards, "Three-dimensioinal spatial skill training in a simulated space station: random vs. blocked designs", Aviat Space Environ Med, vol. 77, no. 4, pp. 404-409, 2006.
Shebilske, W., T. Tubre, A. H. Tubre, C. M. Oman, and J. T. Richards, "Three-dimensioinal spatial skill training in a simulated space station: random vs. blocked designs", Aviat Space Environ Med, vol. 77, no. 4, pp. 404-409, 2006.
Saleh, J. H., J. P. Torres-Padilla, D. Hastings, and D. Newman, "To Reduce or to Extend a Spacecraft Design Lifetime?", Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, vol. 43, no. 1, Jan-Feb 2006.
