HSL Bibliography

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Oravetz, C. T., L. R. Young, and H. Hecht, "Slope and Distance Estimation Errors in a Lunar Environment (abstract)", Aviation Space and Environmental Medicine, vol. 80, no. 3, pp. 266-267, March 2009.
Cheung, C. C., H. Hecht, T. Jarchow, and L. R. Young, "Threshold-based vestibular adaptation to cross-coupled canal stimulation", Journal of Vestibular Research, vol. 17, no. 2007, pp. 171-181, 2007.
Meliga, P., H. Hecht, L. R. Young, and F. W. Mast, "Artificial gravity-head movements during short-radius centrifugation: Influence of cognitive effects", Acta Astronautica, vol. 56, no. 2005, pp. 859-866, 2005.
Meliga, P.., H. Hecht, L.. R. Young, and F.W.. Mast, "Artificial gravity-head movements during short-radius centrifugation: Influence of cognitive effects", Acta Astronautica, vol. 56, no. 2005, pp. 859-866, 2005.
Wong, J., A. Wu, T. Jarchow, and H. Hecht, "The Cognitive Effects of Artificial Gravity Created by Short-Radius Centrifugation", ASMA, 2005.
Wong, J.., A. Wu, T. Jarchow, and H. Hecht, "The Cognitive Effects of Artificial Gravity Created by Short-Radius Centrifugation", ASMA, 2005.
Hecht, H., M. Bertamini, and M. Gamer, "Naive Optics: Acting on Mirror Reflections", Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, vol. 31, no. 5, pp. 1023-1038, 2005.
Hecht, H., M. Bertamini, and M. Gamer, "Naive Optics: Acting on Mirror Reflections", Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, vol. 31, no. 5, pp. 1023-1038, 2005.
Garrick-Bethell, I., T. Jarchow, H. Hecht, and L. R. Young, "Cross-Plane transfer of Vestibular Adaptation to Coriolis Cross-Coupled Stimuli (Abstract)", XXIII INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF THE BARANY SOCIETY, Paris, France, July 7-9, 2004.
Garrick-Bethell, I.., T. Jarchow, H. Hecht, and L.. R. Young, "Cross-Plane transfer of Vestibular Adaptation to Coriolis Cross-Coupled Stimuli (Abstract)", XXIII INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF THE BARANY SOCIETY, Paris, France, July 7-9, 2004.
Young, L. R., K. Sienko, L. Lyne, H. Hecht, and A. Natapoff, "Adaptation of the Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex, Subjective Tilt, and Motion Sickness to Head Movements During Short-Radius Centrifugation (abstract)", Journal of Vestibular Research, vol. 11, no. 3-5, pp. 256-257, 2002.
Hecht, H., E. Brown, and L. R. Young, "Adapting to artificial gravity (AG) at high rotational speeds", Journal of Gravitational Physiology, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 1-5, 2002.
Koenderink, J. J., A. J. Van Doorn, L. Arend, and H. Hecht, "Ecological optics and the creative eye", Perception and the physical world: Psychological and philosophical issues in perception, pp. 271-304, 2002.
Hecht, H., M. K. Kaiser, G. J. P. Savelsbergh, and J. Van der Kamp, "The impact of spatio-tempral sampling on time-to-contact judgments", Perception and Psychophysics, vol. 64, no. 4, pp. 650-666, 2002.
Croucher, C. J., M. Bertamini, and H. Hecht, "Naive optics: Understanding the geometry of mirror reflections", Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, vol. 28, pp. 546-562, 2002.
Young, L. R., and H. Hecht, "Neurovestibular Aspects of Artificial gravity (AsMA 2002 Meeting Abstract)", Aviation Space and Environmental Medicine, vol. 73, no. 3, pp. 237, March 2002.
Young, L. R., H. Hecht, L. Lyne, K. Sienko, C. C. Cheung, and J. Kavelaars, "Artificial Gravity: Head Movements During Short-radius Centrifugation", Acta Astronautica, vol. 49, no. 3-10, pp. 215-226, 2001.
Kerzel, D., and H. Hecht, "Interdisciplinary perspectives on causation", Visual causality, vol. 4: G. Grabhoff, T. Lampet & T. Sauer, pp. 119-139, 2001.
Hecht, H., S. Vogt, and W. Prinz, "Motor learning enhances perceptual judgment: a case for action-operception tansfer", Psychological Research/Psychologische Forschung, vol. 65, pp. 3-14, 2001.
Hecht, H., J. Kavelaars, C. C. Cheung, and L. R. Young, "Orientation illusions and heart-rate changes during short-radius centrifugation", Journal of Vestibular Research, vol. 11, pp. 115-127, 2001.
Hecht, H., "Regularities of the physical world and the absence of their internalization", Behavioral and Brain Sciences, vol. 24, pp. 608-617, 2001.
Kerzel, D., H. Hecht, and N. G. Kim, "Time-to-passage judgments on circular trajectories are based on relative optical acceleration", Perception and Psychophysics, vol. 63, pp. 1153-1170, 2001.
Hecht, H., "Universal internalization or pluralistic micro-theories?", Behavioral and Brain Sciences, vol. 24, pp. 746-753, 2001.