HSL Bibliography

Found 696 results
Oman, C. M., and D. S. Calkins, "Effect of orbital flight on the human horizontal angular vestibulo-ocular reflex response to 120 dec/sec step stimuli", Spacelab IML-1 Microgravity Vestibular Investigations, no. Final Report NAS9-18492-1210-N30, NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX, pp. 33-54, 1993.
Young, L. R., C. M. Oman, D. Merfeld, D. Watt, S. Roy, C. DeLuca, A. Rodrigues, D. Balkwill, J. Christie, N. Groleau, et al., Final report for E072 vestibular experiments in Spacelab Life Sciences 1, : MIT Man Vehicle Laboratory, 1993.
Mindell, D.A., U G H L L M-H N N MG P S T T W Y. S. A. S., The Future of Human Spaceflight, , Cambridge, MIT, pp. 1-15, December 2008.
Mindell, D.A., U S G L H Y N O T H. S. A. A. S., "The Future of Human Spaceflight: Objectives and Policy Implications in a Global Context", Space, Policy, and Society Research Group, MIT Preliminary Draft, Cambridge, MIT, pp. 1-58, July 2009.
Newman, D., Galatea Odyssey: World Contact/A Global Education Project, , Peabody Essex Museum, Peabody, MA, Panama City, Panama; Darwin, Australia; , University of Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch, South Africa, November 2001-Ju, 2003.
Newman, D., Galatea Odyssey: World Contact/A Global Education Project, , Peabody Essex Museum, Peabody, MA, Panama City, Panama; Darwin, Australia; , University of Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch, South Africa, November 2001-July 2003.
McGrath, B. J., C. M. Oman, F. E. Guedry, and A. H. Rupert, "Human vestibulo-ocular response during 3 Gz centrifuge stimulation", US Naval Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory Research Report, no. NAMRL Report 1338, Pensacola, FL, US Naval Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory, 1994.
Hollister, W. M., A. Lapointe, C. M. Oman, and J. R. Tole, Identifying and determining skill degradations of private and commercial pilots, , no. FAA-RD-73-91, Washington, DC, US Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, September, 1973.
Oman, C. M., "In search of a cure for seasickness", Textbook for US Sailing Association/Cruising World Safety-At-Sea seminars, Newport RI, Cruising World Safety-At-Sea Institute, pp. 26-28, 2000.
Oman, C. M., and A. Liu, "Mars Mission Concept Exploration and Refinement: Study Phase 2 Final Report: Human Factors Engineering", Final Report, no. 3.19, Cambridge, MA 02139, CS Draper Laboratory, 555 Technology Square, pp. 1-38, 2005.
Newman, D., Microgravity Investigation and Crew Reactions in Zero-Gravity, , August 2002.
Oman, C. M., and L. S. Frishkopf, "Neural responses of lateral line organs in necturus maculosis to direct mechanical stimulation", MIT Research Laboratory of Electronics Quarterly Progress Report , no. QPR # 108, Cambridge, MA, Massachusetts Instittute of Technology, pp. 321-338, 1973.
Oman, C. M., NSBRI Neurovestibular Adaptation Team Strategic Plan, : National Space Biomedical Research Institute, pp. Vol. 2 Chapt. 9, 2002.
Lee, P., O. C., Pilit Coomputer Model Development and Aircraft Computer Model Integration, , no. Task 2, Cambridge, MA, MIT, Man-Vehicle Lab, Center for Transportation and Logistics, pp. 67, March 16, 2008.
Carr, C., S. J. Schwartz, and D. Newman, Preliminary Considerations for Wearable Computing in Support of Astronaut Extravehicular Activity, , no. Technical Report 551: MIT Media Laboratory, 9/18/01, 2001.
Oman, C. M., "Prevention and treatment of seasickness while ocean racing", Marion-Bermuda Cruising Yacht Race Instructions: Marion-Bermuda Yacht Race Committee, 1983.
Newman, D., "Quantifying Astronaut Tasks: Robotic Technology and Future Space Suit Development", Final Report under NASA Grant NAG9-1089, 2003.
Borah, J., L. R. Young, and R. E. Curry, Sensory mechanism modeling, , no. AFHRL-TR-78-83, July 20, 1977, 1978.
Young, L. R., D. Watt, C. M. Oman, K. E. Money, B. K. Lichtenberg, S. Roy, C. DeLuca, D. Merfeld, D. Balkwill, J. Christie, et al., "SLS-1, Experiment E-072-1 90 Day Post Flight", SLS-1, Experiment E-072-1 90 Day Report, no. Experiment Number: E072: MIT, 9/11/91, 1991.
Frishkopf, L. S., and C. M. Oman, "Structure and motion of cupulae of lateral line organs in Necturus maculosis", MIT Research Laboratory of Electronics Quarterly Progress Report, Cambridge, MA, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, pp. #104:326-343, 1972.
Oman, C. M., "Theoretical model for semicircular cupula motion", MIT Research Laboratory of Electronics Quarterly Progress Report, no. QPR# 121, Cambridge, MA, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, pp. 143-144, 1979.
Oman, C. M., J.. M. S. Huntley, S. A. Rasmussen, and S. K. Robinson, The use of analog track angle error display for improving simulated GPS approach performance, : US DOT RSPA Volpe National Transportation Systems Center, August, 1995.
Oman, C. M., and F. E. Guedry, Vestibular stimulation during a simple centrifuge run, , no. NAMRL-1353, May, 1990.
Johnson, A., "Analyzing the Effects of Dynamic task Allocation on Human-Automation System Performance", Aeronautics and Astronautics, vol. Phd, MIT, MIT, October 2014, 2015.
Dopart, C., "Astronaut-Centric Analysis of a Jetpack withIntegrated Control-Moment Gyroscopes forEnhanced Extravehicular Activity Performance", AeroAstro, vol. SM: MIT, June 2014.
Kaderka, J., "A Critical Benefit Analysis of Artificial Gravity as a Microgravity Countermeasure", Aeronautics and Astronautics, vol. SM, Cambridge, MIT, pp. 187, June 2010.
Christou, G.A., "Development of a Helmet Liner for Protection Against Blast Induced Trauma", Aeronautics and Astronautics, vol. SM, Cambridge, MIT, pp. 215, February 2010.
Diaz, A., "Exerise under Artificial Gravity - Experimental and Computational Approaches", Aeronautics and Astronautics, vol. PhD, MIT, MIT, June 2015.
Kaderka, J., "Experiments and a Model of Pilot System Failure Detection duringSimulated Lunar Landing", AeroAstro, vol. Ph.D.: MIT, June 2014.
Clark, T., "Human Spatial Orientation Perceptions During Simulated Lunar Landing", Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics, vol. SM Thesis, Cambridge, MA, MIT, pp. 135, 2010.
