HSL Bibliography
"Artificial Gravity and Exercise on the MIT Compact-Radius Centrifuge (Abstract)",
NASA HRP Investigators' Workshop, Galveston, TX, 1/13/15, 2015.
"Adaptive functions of man in vehicle control systems",
2nd IFAC Symposium 1965: Plenum Press, NY 1966, pp. 43-56, 1966.
"VOR Adaptation",
Barany Satellite Meeting to Honor Jay Goldberg, Iceland, August, 2010.
"Vestibular responses to linear acceleration in weightlessness (abstract)",
Spacelab Mission D-1 Symposium, Norderney, Federal Republic of Germany, August 27-29, 19, 1986.
"Using inertial measurement units for space vehicle safety, comfort, desig, and performance optimization (abstract)",
NASA Human research Program Investigators' Workshop, Houston, TX, Feb. 14-16, 2012.
"Un defi pour la physiologie humaine: l'exploration par l'homme de la planete Mars",
Seminaire, Le jeudi 28 novembre 2002, College de France, Paris, 2002.
"Terrain Park Features The Physics and Metaphysics",
ASDA Meeting, Cortina, Italy, March 2004.
"Telescience space life sciences test bed",
39th International Astronautical Federation Congress, Bangalore, India, 1988.
"Stair-stepping and squats during centrifugation: feasibility, biomechanics, and fitness benefits. (Abstract and poster)",
28th Annual International gravitational Physiology Meeting, San Antonio, TX, April 8-13, 2007.
"Spacelab-1 experiments on motion sickness",
Space Shuttle: Dawn of an Era, Los Angeles, CA, American Astronautical Society, October 29-Novem, 1979.
"Spacelab neurovestibular hardware",
SAE 21st International Conference on Environmental Systems, San Francisco, CA, SAE, July 1991.
"Simulation of Astronaut Perception of Vehicle Orientation during Planetary Landing Trajectories",
IEEE Aerosapce Conference, Big Sky, MT, March 3-10, 2012.
"Short Radius Centrifugation is a Practical Space Flight Countermeasure (abstract)",
79th AsMA Annual Scientific Meeting, Boston, MA, May11-15, 2008.
"Sensorimotor Interaction with Vehicle Displays and Controls to Enhance Human-Machine Cooperation during Precision Lunar Landing",
NASA Human Research Program Investigators' Workshop, Houston, TX, 2012.
"Sensorimotor Displays and Controls to Enhance Safety of Human/Machine Cooperation during Lunar Landing: Project Review",
Human Research Program Investigators' Workshop, Galveston, TX, 2013.
"Sensorimotor Displays and Controls to Enhance safety of Human/Machine Cooperation during Lunar Landing: Project Review (abstract)",
NASA Human Research Program Investigators' Workshop, Galveston, TX, 2013.
"Pracitical Exercise During Short Radius Centrifugation",
ESA Symposium, Technology for Artificial Gravity and Microgravity, Noordwij, The Netherlands, Dec. 10-12, 2007.
"A pilot model with visual and motion cues",
AIAA Visual Motion and Simulation Conference and 12th Annual Conference on Manual Control, vol. NASA TM X-73170, Wright Patterson AFB, OH and Urbana, Illinois, pp. 25-27, May 1976.
"Physiological Effects of Varying Tilt Angle and G-level during Short-Radius Centrifugation",
Technology for Artificial Gravity and Microgravity Simulation, ESTEC, Noordwij, The Netherlands, Dec. 12, 2007.
"Partial Gravity Effects on Slope Estimation",
Aerosapce Medical Association 81st Annual Scientific Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, Aerospace Medical Association , 2010.
"Neuro-Vestibular Responses to the SRC Bed Rest and Short Radius Centrifugation Influences Subjective Postural Position",
Preliminary finding Conference IMAG IWG 2007 0306-08, Houston, TX, 2007.
"Neurovestibular Aspects of Short-Radius Artificial Gravity: Parameters determinig adaptation (Abstract)",
15th Humans in Space Symposium Meeting, Graz, Austria, Submitted to Astra Astronautica, May 22-26, 2005.
"Motion Sensing: From Mach to Now",
SIMONA Symposium, Fidelity in Motion, TU Delft, March 29, 2007.
"Models for Neurovestibular Adaptation: A Personal Approach",
Presented at the Sixth NASA Symposium on the Role of Vestibular Organs in Space Exploration, Portland, OR, October 1-3, 200, 2003.
"Mathematical Models of the Vestibular System",
XXVI Barany Society Meeting, Iceland, August 16, 2010.
Mars, Un Nouvel Espace Pour L'Homme (Mars, a New Space for Humans,
: Editions Odile Jacob, June 2005.
Maintaining Control of Tilt and Translation Position with and without visual Feedback (abstract),
, 2012.
"Lunar sensorimotor research (abstract)",
79th AsMA Annual Scientific Meeting, Boston, MA, May 14, 2008.
"Lunar dust challenges to astronaut landing",
Dust Atmosphere and Plasma: Moon and Small Bodies Workshop, Boulder, CO, June 6-8, 2012.
"An instrumentation system for clinical vestibular testing (abstract)",
13th Annual Meeting American Association for Medical Instrumentation, Palm Beach, FL, 1978.