HSL Bibliography

Found 696 results
Young, L. R., L. Bernard-Demanze, M. Dumitrescu, J. Magnan, L. Borel, and M. Lacour, "Postural Performance of Vestibular Loss Patients Under Increased Postural Threat", Journal of Vestibular Research, vol. 22, no. 2012, pp. 129-138, 2012.
Liu, A. M., C. M. Oman, R. Galvan, and A. Natapoff, "Predicting space telerobotic operator training performance from human spatial ability assessment", Acta Astronautica, vol. 92, no. 2012, pp. 38-47, 08/2013, 2012.
Rood, A., D. Dietrich, K. Sparks, D. Dashevsky, D. Wajda, J. Mateus, A. Johnson, and D. Newman, "Pulse Oximetry and Ventilation Data during Exposure to 7620m (25,000 feet) Normobaric Hypoxia", 83rd Annual Meeting of the Aerospace Medical Association, Atlanta, GA., 2012.
Young, L. R., C. M. Oman, T. K. Clark, S. E. Tritchler, K. R. Duda, S. J. Wood, and A. Estrada, "Sensorimotor Interaction with Vehicle Displays and Controls to Enhance Human-Machine Cooperation during Precision Lunar Landing", NASA Human Research Program Investigators' Workshop, Houston, TX, 2012.
Christou, G.A., L.R. Young, R. Goel, A. P. Vechart, and A. Jerusalem, "Shock attenuation of PMMA sandwich panels filled with soda-lime glass beads: A fluid-structure interaction continuum model simulation", International Journal of Impact Engineering, vol. 47, pp. 48-59, 09/2012.
Christou, G. A., L. R. Young, R. Goel, A. P. Vechart, and A. Jérusalem, "Shock attenuation of PMMA sandwich panels filled with soda-lime glass beads: A fluid-structure interaction continuum model simulation”", Journal of Impact Engineering, vol. 47, pp. 48-59, 2012.
Clark, T. K., L. R. Young, K. R. Duda, and C. M. Oman, "Simulation of Astronaut Perception of Vehicle Orientation during Planetary Landing Trajectories", IEEE Aerosapce Conference, Big Sky, MT, March 3-10, 2012.
Small, R. L., C. M. Oman, and T. D. Jones, "Space Shuttle Flight Crew Spatial Orientation Survey Results.", Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, vol. 83, no. 4, pp. 383-387, 2012.
Duda, J. E., R. A. Opperman, A. L. Gilkey, C. De Vivero, D. J. Newman, J. Hoffman, and K. Gilkey, "Space Suit Simulator for EVA Experimentation and Training", NASA Human research Program Investigators' Workshop, Houston, TX, February 13-16, , 2012.
Duda, K., T. Jarchow, and L.. Young, "Squat Exercise Biomechanics during Short-Radius Centrifugation", Aviation Space and Environmental Medicine, vol. 83, no. 2, February 2012.
Duda, K., T. Jarchow, and L. Young, "Squat exercise Biomechanics During Short-Radius Centrifugation", Aviation Space and Environmental Medicine, vol. 83, no. 2, pp. 1-9, 2012.
Johnson, A. W., A. J. Stimpson, and T. Clark, "Turning the tide: Big plays and Psychological Momentum in the NFL", Football Outsiders Almanac, pp. 518-522, 2012.
Johnson, A. W., A. J. Stimpson, and T. Clark, "Turning the Tide: Big Plays and Psychological Momentum in the NFL (poster)", 2012 MIT Sloan Sports Analytics Conference, Boston, MA, 2-3 Mar. 2012.
Gombolay, M., and J. Shah, "A Uniprocessor Scheduling Policy for Non-Preemptive Task Sets with Precedence and Temporal Constraints", AIAA Infotech@Aerospace, Garden Grove, CA , June 2012.
Kobrick, R. L., C. Carr, F. E. Meyen, A. R. Domingues, and D. Newman, "Using inertial measurement units for space vehicle safety, comfort, design, and performance optimization", Next-Generation Suborbital researchers Conference 2012 Session: Life Sciences, Palo Alto, CA, 2012.
Young, L. R., C. M. Oman, T. K. Clark, S. E. Tritchler, K. R. Duda, S. J. Wood, and A. Estrada, "Using inertial measurement units for space vehicle safety, comfort, desig, and performance optimization (abstract)", NASA Human research Program Investigators' Workshop, Houston, TX, Feb. 14-16, 2012.
Liu, A. M., C. S. Lowenthal, R. C. Galvan, R. E. Forman, M. Rueger, E. E. Flynn-Evans, A. Natapoff, S. W. Lockley, and C. M. Oman, "Validation of Assessment Tests and Countermeasures for Detecting and Mitigating Changes in Cognitive Function during Robotic Operations", NASA Human Research Program Investigators' Workshop, Houston, TX, 2012.
Clark, T. K., A. W. Johnson, and A. J. Stimpson, "Why Devin Hester is a Better Returner when He Doesn't touch the Ball: The Effectiveness of the Squib Kickoff in the NFL", 2012 MIT Sloan Sports Analytics Conference, Bosont, MA, 2-3 March, 2012.
Newman, M. C., G. W. McCarthy, P. W. Comtois, S. T. Glaser, and F. Bonato, "Adaptation to coriolis-inducing head movements in a sustained-G high performance flight simulator", Journal of Vestibular Research, vol. 21, no. Special Edition, Number 2, 2011, pp. 78-79, April 8-10, 2011.
Oman, C. M., "Are evolutionary hypotheses for motion sickness "Just So" stories?", Journal of Vestibular Research, vol. 21, no. Special Issue, pp. 89, April 8-10, 2011.
Clark, T. K., L. R. Young, A. J. Stimpson, K. R. Duda, C. M. Oman, and A. Natapoff, "Astronaut Spatial Orientation Perceptions During Simulated Lunar Landing", 8th Symposium on the Role of the Vestibular Organs in Space Exploration, Houston, TX, April 8-10, 2011.
Clark, T. K., L. R. Young, A. J. Stimpson, K. R. Duda, C. M. Oman, and A. Natapoff, "Astronaut spatial orientation perceptions during simulated lunar landing", Journal of Vestibular Research, vol. 21, no. Special Issue Eighth Symposium on the Role of the Vestibular Organs in Space Exploration, pp. 79, April 8-10, 2011.
Mateus, J., J. Canizales, A. N. Hearn, and L. R. Young, "Asymmetry in vestibular response to cross coupled stimulus", Experimental Brain Research, vol. 209, no. 4, pp. 561-569, 2011.
Mateus, J., A. N. Hearn, J. Canizales, and L. R. Young, "Cross-Coupled Stimulus During Artificial Gravity: Asymmetric Tumbling Intensity Response", 8th Symposium on the Role of the Vestibular Organs in Space Exploration, Houston, TX, April 11-15, 201, 2011.
Kobrick, R. L., K. W. Street Jr., and D. M. Klaus, "Custom Scratch Tips for Evaluaton of Two-Body Abrasion on Lunar Spacecraft Materials", 41st International Conference on Environmental Systems 2011, Portland, Oregon, AIAA, 2011.
Stimpson, A. J., L. R. Young, T. K. Clark, K. R. Duda, and C. M. Oman, "Effects on an Achievability Display on Pilot Decision Making and Behavior in Simulated Lunar Landings", 18th IAA Humans in Space Symposium (abstract), Houston, TX, 2011.
Gilkey, A., A. W. Johnson, J. A. Hoffman, and D. J. Newman, "Evaluation of a Surface Exploration Traverse Analysis and Navigation Tool", 41st International Conference on Environmental Systems, Portland, OR, July 2011.
Mulugeta, L., M. Battler, R. Persaud, R. Kobrick, J. Thaler, and R. Shelaga, "Expedition Mars: A Mars Analogue Program Dedicated to Advancing Competency in Human Planetary Surface Exploration", 41st International Conference on Environmental Systems , Portland, OR, 2011.
Schimizze, B., S. F. Son, R. Goel, A. P. Vechart, and L. Young, "An experimental and numerical study of blast induced shock wave mitigation in sandwich structures", Journal of Mechanics and Physics of Solids, submitted 1/4/11, 2011.
Young, L. R., "Fear of falling: Posture control as influenced by perceived fall height"", Journal of Vestibular Research, vol. 21, no. Special Issue Eight Symposium on the Role of the Vestibular Organs in Space Exploration, pp. 91, April 8-10, 2011.
