HSL Bibliography
"Neurovestibular research in Microgravity",
CNES workshop on Neurosciences Research in Space, Paris, France, 1997.
"Roll vection in a tumbling virtual environment depends on scene polarity and head orientation",
XIXth meeting of the Barany Society, Sydney, Australia, August, 1996, 1997.
"Yaw sensory rearrangement alters pitch vestibulo-ocular reflex responses",
Acta Otolaryngol, vol. 117, no. 5, pp. 647-56, Sep, 1997.
"Analog track angle error displays improve simulated GPS approach performance",
Proc. 40th Annual Meeting, Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Philadelphia, PA, HFES, 1996.
"Horizontal angular VOR changes in orbital and parabolic flight: human neurovestibular studies on SLS-2",
Journal of Applied Physiology, vol. 81, no. 1, pp. 58-68, July, 1996.
"A virtual environment generator for microgravity spatial orientation research (abstract)",
Aviat Space Environ Med, 1996.
"The effect of prolonged weightlessness on the vestibulo-ocular reflex of astronauts (abstract)",
Annals of Biomedical Engineering, vol. 23, no. suppl 1, pp. S-89, 1995.
"Pilot performance and workload using simulated GPS track angle error displays",
6th IFAC/IFIP/IFORS/IEA Symposium on analysis, design, and evaluation of man-machine systems, Cambridge, MA USA, IFAC, pp. 303-310, 1995.
The use of analog track angle error display for improving simulated GPS approach performance,
: US DOT RSPA Volpe National Transportation Systems Center, August, 1995.
"Vestibulo-ocular response of human subjects seated in a pivoting support system during 3 Gz centrifuge stimulation",
J Vestib Res, vol. 5, no. 5, pp. 331-47, Sep-Oct, 1995.
"Application of ordered-statistic filtering to analysis of vertical nystagmus (abstract)",
Aviat Space Environ Med, 1994.
Centrifuge experiments on vestibular coriolis and lz nystagmus,
, no. Final Report ONR Grant N00014-9000-J-1998, MVL 94.18: MIT Man Vehicle Laboratory, 1994.
"Human vestibulo-ocular response during 3 Gz centrifuge stimulation",
US Naval Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory Research Report, no. NAMRL Report 1338, Pensacola, FL, US Naval Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory, 1994.
"Motion sickness susceptibility testing using torso rotation",
Spacebound '94, Montreal, Canada, Canadian Space Agency, 1994.
"Effect of orbital flight on the human horizontal angular vestibulo-ocular reflex response to 120 dec/sec step stimuli",
Spacelab IML-1 Microgravity Vestibular Investigations, no. Final Report NAS9-18492-1210-N30, NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX, pp. 33-54, 1993.
Final report for E072 vestibular experiments in Spacelab Life Sciences 1,
: MIT Man Vehicle Laboratory, 1993.
"Horizontal angular VOR, nystagmus dumping, and sensation duration in spacelab SLS-1 crewmembers",
J Vestib Res, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 315-30, Fall, 1993.
"Horizontal VOR, nystagmus dumping, and sensation duration in Spacelab SLS-1 crewmembers (abstract)",
Aviat Space Environ Med, 1993.
"A multidimensional model of the effect of gravity on the spatial orientation of the monkey",
J Vestib Res, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 141-61, Summer, 1993.
"Otolithic contribution to torsional eye movements during dynamic linear acceleration (abstract)",
Aviat Space Environ Med, 1993.
"Perceived velocity in linear translation is affected by temporal frequency",
Society for Neuroscience Abstr, 1993.
"Spatial orientation and posture during and following weightlessness: human experiments on Spacelab Life Sciences 1",
J Vestib Res, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 231-9, Fall, 1993.
"Supporting studies- Vestibular response to onside pitch with 105 deg/sec step stimuli at acute transition from 1.8-g to 0-g during concentric and eccentric rotation",
Spacelab IML-1 Microgravity Vestibular Investigations, no. Final Report-NAS9-18492-1210-N30, Houston, TX, NASA Johnson Space Center, pp. FO-9, 1993.
"The dynamics of spatial orientation during complex and changing linear and angular acceleration",
J Vestib Res, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 259-283, Winter, 1992.
"Perceived passive body velocity and active motor hand velocity interact with temporal frequency (abstract)",
Society for Neuroscience Abstr, 1992.
"Postflight angular VOR and rotation sensation changes in Spacelab SLS-1 crewmembers",
XVII Barany Society Meeting, Prague, Czechoslovakia, June, 1992.
"Space sickness symptom severity correlates with average head acceleration",
Mechanisms and Control of Emesis, vol. 233: Colloque INSERM/Libbey Eurotext, Ltd., pp. 185-194, 1992.
"Yaw angular VOR, nystagmus dumping, and sensation duration in Spacelab SLS-1 crewmembers (abstract)",
XVII Barany Society Meeting, Prague, Czecholovakia, June, 1992.
"Human vestibular response during 3 Gz centrifuge stimulation (abstract)",
Aviat Space Environ Med, vol. 62, no. 5, pp. 473, 1991.
"In search of a cure for seasickness",
Cruising World, no. December, December, 1991.