HSL Bibliography
"Using inertial measurement units for space vehicle safety, comfort, desig, and performance optimization (abstract)",
NASA Human research Program Investigators' Workshop, Houston, TX, Feb. 14-16, 2012.
"Sensorimotor Interaction with Vehicle Displays and Controls to Enhance Human-Machine Cooperation during Precision Lunar Landing",
NASA Human Research Program Investigators' Workshop, Houston, TX, 2012.
"Sensorimotor Displays and Controls to Enhance safety of Human/Machine Cooperation during Lunar Landing: Project Review (abstract)",
NASA Human Research Program Investigators' Workshop, Galveston, TX, 2013.
"Sensorimotor Displays and Controls to Enhance Safety of Human/Machine Cooperation during Lunar Landing: Project Review",
Human Research Program Investigators' Workshop, Galveston, TX, 2013.
"Lunar dust challenges to astronaut landing",
Dust Atmosphere and Plasma: Moon and Small Bodies Workshop, Boulder, CO, June 6-8, 2012.