HSL Bibliography
"Spatial orientation in weightlessness and readaptation to earth's gravity",
Science, vol. 225, no. 4658, pp. 205-8, Jul 13, 1984.
"Three dimensional spatial memory and learning in real and virtual environments",
Spatial Cognition and Computation, vol. 2, pp. 355-372, 2002.
"Three-dimensioinal spatial skill training in a simulated space station: random vs. blocked designs",
Aviat Space Environ Med, vol. 77, no. 4, pp. 404-409, 2006.
"Three-dimensioinal spatial skill training in a simulated space station: random vs. blocked designs",
Aviat Space Environ Med, vol. 77, no. 4, pp. 404-409, 2006.
"Top-Down Processing and Visual Reorientation Illusions in a Virtual Reality Environment",
Swiss Journal of Psychology, vol. 63, no. 2, pp. 143-149, 2004.
"Top-Down Processing and Visual Reorientation Illusions in a Virtual Reality Environment",
Swiss Journal of Psychology, vol. 63, no. 2, pp. 143-149, 2004.
"Training, transfer, and retention of three-dimensional spatial memory in virtual environments",
Journal of Vestibular Research, vol. 12, no. 5-6, pp. 223-238, 2003.
"Training, transfer, and retention of three-dimensional spatial memory in virtual environments",
Journal of Vestibular Research, vol. 12, no. 5-6, pp. 223-238, 2003.
"Transfer function analysis of autonomic activity during motion sickness (abstract)",
Aviat Space Environ Med, vol. 62, no. 5, 1991.
"Transient cardio-respiratory responses to visually induced tilt illusions",
Brain Res Bull, vol. 53, no. 1, pp. 25-31, Sep 1, 2000.
"An upper limit on the physiological range of cupula motion in the semicircular canal of the skate (abstract)",
Neuroscience Abstr, vol. 2, pp. 1052, 1976.
"Vertical Navigation Displays: Pilot Performance and Workload During Simulated Constant Angle of Descent GPS Approaches",
International Journal of Aviation Psychology, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 15-31, 2001.
"Vestibulo-ocular response of human subjects seated in a pivoting support system during 3 Gz centrifuge stimulation",
J Vestib Res, vol. 5, no. 5, pp. 331-47, Sep-Oct, 1995.
"A virtual environment generator for microgravity spatial orientation research (abstract)",
Aviat Space Environ Med, 1996.
"Virtual reality based spacecraft emergency egress 3D navigation training",
Aviat Space Environ Med, vol. submitted, 2007.
"Virtual-Reality-Based 3D Navigation Training for Emergency Egress from Spacecraft",
Aviation, Space and Environmental Medicine, vol. 78, no. 8, pp. 774-783, August 2007.
"Visual and graviceptive influences on lower leg EMG activity during brief falls (abstract)",
Neuroscience Abstr, vol. 6, no. 558, 1980.
"Visual and graviceptive influences on lower leg EMG activity in humans during brief falls",
Exp Brain Res, vol. 46, no. 3, pp. 324-30, 1982.
"Visually induced self-motion sensation adapts rapidly to left-right reversal of vision",
Ann N Y Acad Sci, vol. 374, pp. 352-60, 1981.
"Visually induced self-motion sensation adapts rapidly to left-right visual reversal",
Science, vol. 209, no. 4457, pp. 706-8, Aug 8, 1980.
"Yaw sensory rearrangement alters pitch vestibulo-ocular reflex responses",
Acta Otolaryngol, vol. 117, no. 5, pp. 647-56, Sep, 1997.
"Dealing with motion sickness",
Sail, no. June, 1983, 1983.
"In search of a cure for seasickness",
Cruising World, no. December, December, 1991.
NASA Task Force on Countermeasures Final Report: Neurological Task Force Report and Vestibular Countermeasures Task Group Report ,
: NASA, 1997.
"When you have to fight seasickness",
Sail, no. November, pp. 49-55, 1978.
"Why do astronauts suffer space sickness ?",
New Scientist, vol. 23, pp. 10-13, August, 1984.
Skin Pallor and Blush Monitor,
, USA, 1988.
Centrifuge experiments on vestibular coriolis and lz nystagmus,
, no. Final Report ONR Grant N00014-9000-J-1998, MVL 94.18: MIT Man Vehicle Laboratory, 1994.
"Effect of orbital flight on the human horizontal angular vestibulo-ocular reflex response to 120 dec/sec step stimuli",
Spacelab IML-1 Microgravity Vestibular Investigations, no. Final Report NAS9-18492-1210-N30, NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX, pp. 33-54, 1993.
Final report for E072 vestibular experiments in Spacelab Life Sciences 1,
: MIT Man Vehicle Laboratory, 1993.