HSL Bibliography
"review and Synthesis of Considerations in Architecting Heterogeneous Teams of Humans and Robots for Optimal Space Exploration",
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics - Part C (Applications and Reviews), November 2006.
"A Uniprocessor Scheduling Policy for Non-Preemptive Task Sets with Precedence and Temporal Constraints",
AIAA Infotech@Aerospace, Garden Grove, CA , June 2012.
"Optimization of Temporal Dynamics for Adaptive Human-Robot Interaction in Assembly Manufacturing",
Robotics, Science and Systems, Sydney, Australia, 12-16 July 2012.
"Analytical basis for Evaluating the Effect of Unplanned Interventions on the Effectiveness of a Human-Robot System",
Journal of Reliability, Engineering, and Safety Systems, August 2007.