HSL Bibliography
"Human vestibulo-ocular response during 3 Gz centrifuge stimulation",
US Naval Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory Research Report, no. NAMRL Report 1338, Pensacola, FL, US Naval Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory, 1994.
Identifying and determining skill degradations of private and commercial pilots,
, no. FAA-RD-73-91, Washington, DC, US Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, September, 1973.
"In search of a cure for seasickness",
Textbook for US Sailing Association/Cruising World Safety-At-Sea seminars, Newport RI, Cruising World Safety-At-Sea Institute, pp. 26-28, 2000.
"Mars Mission Concept Exploration and Refinement: Study Phase 2 Final Report: Human Factors Engineering",
Final Report, no. 3.19, Cambridge, MA 02139, CS Draper Laboratory, 555 Technology Square, pp. 1-38, 2005.
"Neural responses of lateral line organs in necturus maculosis to direct mechanical stimulation",
MIT Research Laboratory of Electronics Quarterly Progress Report , no. QPR # 108, Cambridge, MA, Massachusetts Instittute of Technology, pp. 321-338, 1973.
NSBRI Neurovestibular Adaptation Team Strategic Plan,
: National Space Biomedical Research Institute, pp. Vol. 2 Chapt. 9, 2002.
"Prevention and treatment of seasickness while ocean racing",
Marion-Bermuda Cruising Yacht Race Instructions: Marion-Bermuda Yacht Race Committee, 1983.
"SLS-1, Experiment E-072-1 90 Day Post Flight",
SLS-1, Experiment E-072-1 90 Day Report, no. Experiment Number: E072: MIT, 9/11/91, 1991.
"Structure and motion of cupulae of lateral line organs in Necturus maculosis",
MIT Research Laboratory of Electronics Quarterly Progress Report, Cambridge, MA, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, pp. #104:326-343, 1972.
"Theoretical model for semicircular cupula motion",
MIT Research Laboratory of Electronics Quarterly Progress Report, no. QPR# 121, Cambridge, MA, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, pp. 143-144, 1979.
The use of analog track angle error display for improving simulated GPS approach performance,
: US DOT RSPA Volpe National Transportation Systems Center, August, 1995.
Vestibular stimulation during a simple centrifuge run,
, no. NAMRL-1353, May, 1990.
"Experiments and a Model of Pilot System Failure Detection duringSimulated Lunar Landing",
AeroAstro, vol. Ph.D.: MIT, June 2014.
"Multisensory Models for Human Spatial Orientation Including Threshold Effects",
Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Cambridge, MA, MIT, pp. 71, May 2010.
"Spatial Ability and Handedness as Potential Predictors of Space Teleoperation Performance",
Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics, vol. SM Thesis, Cambridge, MA, MIT, pp. 92, June 2010.