HSL Bibliography

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Hain, T.C., and C.M. Oman, "Why does reading in a moving car cause motion sickness ?", Scientific American, no. July, pp. 93, July, 2003.
Sanderson, J., J. Kalsey, C.M. Oman, and L.R. Harris, "Measuring and attenuating head-movement induced oscillopsia", Seventh Symposium on the Role of Vestibular Organs in Space Exploration, European Space Technology Centre (ESTEC), Noorwijk, Netherlands, 2006.
Duda, K., L.R. Young, C.M. Oman, A. M. Liu, A. J. Stimpson, and T. K. Clark, "Sensorimotor Displays and Controls to Enhance the Safety of Human/Machine Cooperation During Lunar Landing (poster)", The Aerospace Medical Associateion 80th Annual Scientific Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, Aerospace Medical Association, May 4, 2009.
Sheehan, S.E., C.M. Oman, and K.R. Duda, "Motion Sickness: A Cholinomimetic Agent Hypothesis", Psychophysiology, pp. 1-14, 2010.
Young, L.R., A. J. Stimpson, T. K. Clark, K. R. Duda, and C.M. Oman, "Sensorimotor Controls and Displays for Safe and Precise Lunar Landing", 61st International Astronautical Congress, Prague, Czech Republic, 09/2010.
Stimpson, A. J., T. K. Clark, L.R. Young, K.R. Duda, and C.M. Oman, "Sensorimotor Interaction with Vehicle Displays and Control During Precision Lunar Landing", IEEE/AIAA Aerospace Conference 2011, Big Sky, Montana, March 6-13, 2011, 2010.
Young, L.R., K.R. Duda, T. K. Clark, A. J. Stimpson, and C.M. Oman, "Sensorimotor Interaction with Vehicle Displays and Controls to Enhance Human-Machine Cooperation During Precision Lunar Landing", NASA Human Research Progam Investigator's Workshop, Houston, TX, 2/2/10, 2010.
Harris, L.R., M.R.M. Jenkin, H.L.M. Jenkin, R.T. Dyde, and C.M. Oman, "Where's the Floor?", Seeing and Perceiving , vol. 23, pp. 81-88, 2010.
Clark, T. K., A. J. Stimpson, L.R. Young, C.M. Oman, K.R. Duda, and A. Natapoff, "Human Spatial Orientation Perception During Simulated Lunar Landing Motions", Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, vol. 51, issue 1, pp. 267-280, 02/2014.