Research on integration of visual and motion cues for flight simulation and ride quality investigation : final report NASA Grant NSG 22-009-701, June 1972 through February 1977

TitleResearch on integration of visual and motion cues for flight simulation and ride quality investigation : final report NASA Grant NSG 22-009-701, June 1972 through February 1977
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1977
AuthorsYoung, L. R., R. E. Curry, and C. M. Oman
Number of Pages80
PublisherMassachusetts Institute of Technology, Center for Space Research, Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Man-Vehicle Laboratory
MVL Report Number77.21
Call NumberTL712.5 .Y6TL712.5.Y6 MfchAER TL712.5.Y6
KeywordsAviation medicine, Flight simulators, Motion perception (Vision), Visual perception