Physiological Observations and Omics to Develop Personalized Sensorimotor Adaptability Countermeasures using Bed Rest and Spacefligth Data

TitlePhysiological Observations and Omics to Develop Personalized Sensorimotor Adaptability Countermeasures using Bed Rest and Spacefligth Data
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsMulavara, A.P.., R.D.. Seidler, A.. Feiveson, L.. Oddsson, S.. Zanello, C. M. Oman, L.. Ploutz-Snyder, B.. Peters, H.S.. Cohen, M.. F. Reschke, S. J. Wood, and J.J.. Bloomberg
Conference NameNASA HRP Investigators' Workshop
Conference LocationGaleveston, TX
MVL Report Number15.12